I love to cook and bake, but I am not hugely fond of actually measuring ingredients. In baking, measurements are absolutely essential. Cooking is another story (at least for me). Most of the time things turn out well. (We’ll just leave it at that.) Vegetables can be overlooked as an uninspired side dish, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Those veggies just need a little flavor.
For fajita veggies, I saute them in a cast iron skillet over medium high heat for about five minutes, in a combination of coconut oil and olive oil. (I know, I know, olive oil breaks down at high heat. I just don’t care for the coconut oil flavor in savory dishes. You choose the oil that best suits you.)
Then I sprinkle about two teaspoons of Greek Girls Gourmet All Purpose Greek Seasoning over the veggies as they cook (two large peppers: red and orange). Delicious!
Pair your veggies with your favorite fajita meat. Wrap your fajita mix in a warm tortilla, use it to top a salad (don’t forget the cheese) or for low carbers just have it straight up. Enjoy!
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